City of Artesia, New Mexico:
13th Street Reconstruction
As part of the City’s Infrastructure Recovery Program, this project consisted of replacing the street, sanitary sewer, storm drain, and water lines. The street was narrowed from a 48-foot four-lane street to two 12-foot driving lanes, and a 12-foot continuous left turn lane. The design matched the street section through town, south of Eagle Draw (phase II). The project included curb and gutter replacement and five-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the street that meet ADA requirements. The narrowed design allowed room for the existing power lines, on both sides of the road, to remain outside the sidewalks with minimal pole relocation. All utility crossings were replaced across the street ROW. The existing bridge across Eagle Draw was left in place, but approach grades were adjusted. A new signal was installed at Richey Avenue on the north end of the project and 13th Street. Smith provided all the studies, design surveying, design, and construction services for this $15 million project. (Phase I and II).

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